Author: Elias Tesfaye

In an illuminating interview with the CEO of HelloSolar, the vision and mission of this pioneering renewable energy company come into focus. The CEO, whose leadership drives HelloSolar's innovative solutions, emphasizes the company's commitment to providing affordable and sustainable energy access across Ethiopia. With a focus on empowering communities and driving positive change, HelloSolar stands at the forefront of the country's energy transition journey.Throughout the interview, the CEO discusses the challenges and opportunities inherent in promoting solar energy adoption in Ethiopia. From navigating regulatory landscapes to overcoming infrastructural barriers, HelloSolar remains dedicated to overcoming obstacles and expanding its impact. By fostering partnerships and leveraging technological advancements, HelloSolar is poised to revolutionize the nation's energy sector while improving the lives of...

Throughout Ethiopia, farmers turn to the sky, hoping for the right rainfall at the right time. Only 5% of the country’s land is irrigated, drastically limiting farm productivity and vulnerability to climate threats. Enter the solar-powered irrigation pump. This pump, which uses energy from the sun to transfer water to farmland where it’s needed, has been used by farmers in a number of countries with great success. However, farmers in Ethiopia have been largely unable to access this type of technology.TechnoServe is partnering with HelloSolar Technology PLC – a solar energy solutions provider committed to improving the quality of life of rural communities in developing countries by giving access to solar energy – and SunCulture – a Kenya-based company that...

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